
A look into the Earth’s past with the TESCAN CoreTOM X-ray micro-CT analyzer

Turbidite sediment core: Non-destructive evaluation of grain size distribution

A look into the Earth’s past with the TESCAN CoreTOM X-ray micro-CT analyzer

Lacustrine turbidites are a reliable record of seismic activity. When a turbidity current moves downslope, a typical sedimentary sequence is created afterward, including a fine to coarse-grained sand frac­tion at the bottom (if the current has enough energy) towards a layer of fine grains of silt or clay towards the top. The characterization of these turbidites at different locations is essential to reconstruct the complete impact of earthquakes events that occurred in the past. The TESCAN CoreTOM X-ray micro-CT analyzer provides the resolution and analytical capabilities to evaluate grain size in a non-destructive way. This application example describes how.

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TURBIDITE SEDIMENT CORE, Non-destructive evaluationof grain size


  • Turbidite sediment core: Non-destructive evaluation of grain size distribution

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