
A unique workshop organized by Tescan and its partners

Nuclear Research Centre in Rez, Prague District gave us a great opportunity to use their specalized facility for the workshop.

A unique workshop organized by Tescan and its partners

A unique workshop organized by Tescan and its partners Dec/16/2016Tescan has co-organized a specialized workshop at the Nuclear Research Centre in Rez, Prague District on 6th and 7th December 2016.

The main motivation to organize this workshop has been creation of knowledge and a good practice sharing platform for users of TESCAN products with a major contribution from our business partners Gatan and Oxford Instruments. The main topic of the workshop has been highly practical – sample preparation procedures, views and 3D analysis using FIB-SEM with use of analytical techniques.

Both days were attended by scientists and academics from the Czech republic, Poland and Slovakia. Morning sessions were dedicated to presentations and afternoons were spent working in groups on sample preparation, live demo of special SEM MIRA3 GMU used on the site or visiting unique „hot cell“ facility at the research centre.

TESCAN has supplied 2 SEM devices to the Nuclear Research Centre and one of these will be used to analyze radioactive samples in a „semi hot cell“ environment. This challenging environment required a set of special modifications to mantain the usual full operational capability. This special installation is not the only one of its kind. TESCAN has previously installed two similar and highly specialized SEMs in nuclear research centres in France.

List of presentations:
Centre for highly sensitive analytical instruments, with a focus on materials for nuclear industry / 5 min.
RNDr. Jan Lorinčík, CSc. / Nuclear Research Centre, Řež

X-Max Extreme – new EDS solution for analysis in nanoscale / 30 min.
Dr. Jakub Haloda / Oxford Instruments

Application Solutions: From Sample Preparation to In-situ Experiments / 30 min.
Dr. Roland Ries / Gatan

TESCAN Unique Solutions for FIB/SEM Materials Analysis / 35 min.

Advanced methods for material characterization / 30 min.
Ing. Hana Tesařová, Ph.D. / TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING

Link: Nuclear Research Centre, Rez / www.ujv.cz
