Based in Provence, TESCAN ANALYTICS was founded in 1993 by researchers specialized in surface science in order to offer a service of physical chemistry analysis aiming industries. Specialized in high technology, TESCAN ANALYTICS assure you a perfect control of phenomenon on the surface of your materials in order to optimize your products performance and increase your competitivity. Tescan analytics is offering surface and interfaces analytical capabilities with the help of ToF SIMS (GCIB), XPS, AFM, TEM STEM EDX EELS, SEM STEM EDX EBSD, SEM-FIB Ga, Plasma FIB, ultra cryo-microtome and IRTF.

- ZAC Saint Charles - 131, avenue de l’Étoile, 13710 Fuveau, France
- Remy Berthier
- +33 (0)4 42 53 83 13
- +33 (0)4 42 53 83 19 (Fax)
- [email protected]