
Don’t miss the webinar Achieve the highest quality TEM lamella from complex materials using a unique lift-out solution

Don’t miss the webinar Achieve the highest quality TEM lamella from complex materials using a unique lift-out solution

Learn how your TEM sample preparation challenges can be addressed in our upcoming webinar: ADVANCED LAMELLA PREP – Achieve the highest quality TEM lamella for complex materials using a unique lift-out solution.    

It is well-known that the success of TEM/STEM characterization is directly connected to the sample’s overall quality: How do I prepare a specimen that is thin enough? Is it artifact- and damage-free? Are the features of interest captured in their intended orientation? These are all valid questions worthy of addressing when preparing TEM lamellae.  

TESCAN addresses these issues with its unique, below-the-FIB position of the AMBER FIB-SEM nanomanipulator. We will also discuss techniques to achieve the ideal specimen orientation.

Learn more in the March 16th online webinar, register here 
