
Final Workshop on the STEEP project 2017

The Synergetic Training Network on Energy Beam Processing from Modelling to Industrial Applications (STEEP) was a Marie Curie Initial Training Network aimed to develop researchers in the fields of energy beam processing such as pulsed laser ablation, abrasive waterjet and focused ion beam.

Final Workshop on the STEEP project 2017

After 4 years, the STEEP project has come to an end on January 15, 2017. A final workshop took place in Aarwangen, Switzerland on January 9 – 10, 2017. The workshop was dedicated to evaluate and discuss the overall outcome of the project. All participants coincided in their opinion that all goals and objectives were reached. The coordinator of the project, Professor Dragos Axinte from the University of Nottingham will report on this to the European Commission.

Jaroslav Jiruše and A Kiran S. Navagalli from TESCAN were among the participants at the final STEEP workshop 2017.
