
How to SEM-image untreated / uncoated non-conductive samples in high vacuum by beam-energy charge balancing

TESCAN UHR SEM MAIA3 ideal for low-kV imaging delicate samples

How to SEM-image untreated / uncoated non-conductive samples in high vacuum by beam-energy charge balancing

In this note, a step-by-step procedure to image uncoated non-conductive samples by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is described in detail. The samples consisted of cellulose filter paper which were imaged at low beam energies in the range of 0.5 to 2.5 keV in order to experimentally find the optimal energy level in which the input current (primary electron beam) and the output current (SE, BSE) are in equilibrium and, as a result, the charging on sample surface is minimized for this particular sample. The TESCAN UHR SEM MAIA3 microscope was used in this short experiment.

Original article on LinkedIN.
