TESCAN CoreTOM can produce high-quality overview scans of full intact drill cores (up to 1 meter in length), at voxel resolutions up to 10 times better than medical CT scanners, producing a much more detailed image of the sample’s lithology. This overview can be used to gather important statistics on geological formations, such as porosity variation, mineral distribution, or the presence of impermeable layers in the subsurface. The overview can then be supplemented with higher resolution volume of interest scans to obtain more detailed information, without the need to manually manipulate the sample.
This latest video from TESCAN provides a quick demonstration of multi-scale imaging, where an entire 10 cm (4 inches) diameter core is imaged. The first scan provides a map which allows the researcher to identify volumes of interest that are subsequently imaged at a higher resolution. These higher resolution data can then be used for flow analysis through the pore network. The versatility and flexibility of TESCAN CoreTOM enable a quick and easy workflow for multi-scale imaging on samples of all types.