
New TESCAN S8000G FIB-SEM for Au nanoparticle characterisation

The application example for Dual Beam is named “TEM specimen preparation for ultrastructural studies of surface passivated porous Au nanoparticles”.

New TESCAN S8000G FIB-SEM for Au nanoparticle characterisation

In this application example we present a surface and structural characterisation of Au/Ag alloy nanoparticles on a Si substrate with SiO2 as passivation using the new TESCAN S8000G FIB-SEM – a truly versatile microscope that combines field-free ultra-high-resolution imaging and the power and precision of a new generation of Ga FIB column.

High resolution images were acquired to study the surface morphology of Au nanoparticles while high quality TEM specimens were prepared allowing the study of the microporous structure of the Au nanoparticles and their adhesion to the Si/SiO2 substrate after being exposed to high temperatures.

Do you want to learn more? Click below on Application Example.


  • TEM specimen prepared from a 66 nm SDRAM sample using the TESCAN S9000X Xe plasma FIB-SEM

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