
Advanced BSE detection capabilities of the TESCAN CLARA UHR-SEM

The BSE (Back Scattered Electron) image contrast differs depending on both the take-off angle and energy of backscattered electrons. This contrast change needs to be visualized as some information may remain hidden when using more conventional BSE detection systems.

Advanced BSE detection capabilities of the TESCAN CLARA UHR-SEM

Images of natural oxidation of the metal surface collected with different TESCAN CLARA BSE detectors. LE BSE (wide-angle), Multidetector (mid-angle), Axial (narrow-angle) and color-coded image where each angle is represented by a color

Images of natural oxidation of the metal surface collected with different TESCAN CLARA BSE detectors. LE BSE (wide-angle), Multidetector (mid-angle), Axial (narrow-angle) and color-coded image where each angle is represented by a color

The new TESCAN CLARA ultra-high-resolution scanning electron microscope (UHR-SEM), based on TESCAN’s BrightBeamTM technology, enables variable, filtered BSE detection. One of the features of the TESCAN CLARA’s BSE detection system is the electron filtering based on take-off angle which allows users to explore three different contrast mechanisms.

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    Advanced BSE detection capabilities of the TESCAN CLARA UHR-SEM

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