TESCAN SEMs offer very high-resolution imaging and superb analytical performance, which make them perfect and reliable tools for quality control of new preparations.

Structure of a drug powder
- Nowadays, a lot of research effort has been devoted to the development of sophisticated drug micro- and nano-carriers for controlled release and targeted delivery.
- These substances are often based on polymer chemistry, which are often sensitive to the electron beam.
- For these purposes, the TESCAN Triglav TM (maly nahore) FEG-SEM provides the highest resolution imaging even at low accelerating voltages.
- For samples that cannot be prepared using standard methods or sputter coated with metals, users can take advantage of the variable pressure mode UniVac.
- Using the Peltier cooling stage and Water Vapor Inlet System researchers can monitor dynamic processes such as crystallization or dissolution of the substance.
- Drug releasing particles
- Drug releasing particles
- Drug powder
- Polymer microcarriers for drug delivery