
TESCAN SOLARIS X: Rocking stage for high-quality polishing of cross section surfaces

TESCAN SOLARIS X: Rocking stage for high-quality polishing of cross section surfaces

Principle of the rocking stage, which allows SEM observation during FIB milling, when the sample requires milling from multiple directions to reduce the curtaining effect.

Cross-sections milled by Ga FIB are typically on the several tens of microns, width and depth. However, for structures such as displays, TSVs, MEMS, BGAs, or flip-chips, which may require extra-large cross-sections for failure analysis, a plasma ion column is the preferred solution for milling. TESCAN SOLARIS X FIB-SEM equipped with iFIB+™ Xe plasma FIB column delivers the high currents needed to speed material removal for large cross-sections.

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