Reporting unlawful or unethical conduct
TESCAN is based on high ethical and moral values and on respect for legal compliance. We consider unlawful or unethical behaviour unacceptable. In an effort to prevent such behaviour, we are ready to receive your complaints. In order to detect possible violations, we have established the TESCAN Reporting System which is based on the confidentiality and impartiality of the assessment of each report.
Who can report through the TESCAN Reporting System?
TESCAN’s employees, members of the governing and management bodies, TESCAN’s contractors and any third party interested in TESCAN’s business activities (e.g. neighbours, residents of the site, civic groups, etc.) may submit a report through the TESCAN Reporting System.
What is the purpose of the TESCAN Reporting System?
TESCAN ensures protection of their identity and protection from retaliatory actions. All reports are dealt with confidentially and impartially and the whistleblowers are informed of the outcome of the investigation if they remain in contact with us.
How to report through the TESCAN Reporting System?
All reporting persons can report through the TESCAN Global Reporting Channel available at through written reporting form, or through voice messenger.
Concerns reported through the TESCAN Global Reporting Channel are received and assessed by external lawyers and attorneys who are functionally and organizationally independent of TESCAN to determine whether they require investigation at a global or local level.
In some regions, local legislation has specific requirements for reporting systems. Therefore, in addition to the global reporting system, TESCAN has established a local reporting system in the following countries through which the reporting persons can report directly to the local TESCAN entity:
Czech Republic: Internal Reporting System of TESCAN GROUP a.s.
To report misconduct within TESCAN GROUP a. s., with its registered office at Libušina třída 863/21, Kohoutovice, 623 00 Brno, ID No.: 17774713, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, Section B, Insert 8821, use the following contacts:
Online reports | Use the reporting form available on the website: |
Telephone line | Call the phone number: + 420 483 104 378 (for communication in Czech) or + 420 483 104 379 (for communication in English) |
Reports made in person | The Company has appointed external whistleblowing officers with legal education background and experience in the field of whistleblowing and internal investigations from FairData Professionals a.s., with its registered office at Na Florenci 1332/23, 110 00 Prague 1, ID No.: 061 49 961. The following persons will perform the functions of the whistleblowing officer: Mgr. Jaroslav Šuchman, LL.M Mgr. Diana Gregová You may contact the whistleblowing officers by phone at + 420 226 288 363 or by e-mail at [email protected] to arrange an appointment and report in person. |
External reporting system | Reports defined in the Act can also be submitted through the external reporting system established by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic, see: |
How will personal data be handled?
Personal data is processed in accordance with data protection legislation. We keep a record of the reports received, which includes: (a) the report receipt date; (b) the name, surname, date of birth and contact address of the whistleblower, if known; (c) a report summary and the identification of the person against whom the report was directed, if known; (d) the date of termination of the assessment of whether the notification was reasonable or of the assessment of the report by the whistleblowing officer and the outcome of the assessment. The data contained in the report will be retained only for the period necessary and proportionate to meet the requirements of applicable law, with a maximum retention period of 5 years, unless otherwise required or specified by applicable law. The register of reports submitted through the internal reporting system is only accessible to the whistleblowing officers.