Fabrinet is a company focused on manufacturing components and modules for optical communication systems as well as industrial lasers and sensors. It has become a trusted manufacturing partner for the world’s most demanding OEMs. Fabrinet now provides manufacturing, packaging, process technology, and supply chain services to various markets. This includes many optical communication, automotive, and medical products in Thailand, China, and the U.S. The installation of TESCAN GAIA3 in Fabrinet, represents the first TESCAN ultra-high resolution FIB-SEM instrument in the South-East Asia region. The TESCAN GAIA3 is a Ga FIB-SEM system aimed at high-end applications such as root-cause failure analysis in the high demanding semiconductor and microelectronics industry.
TESCAN presence in the South-East Asian high-tech
TESCAN GAIA in Fabrinet – A Trusted Manufacturing Partner of the World’s Most Demanding OEMs