
FIB-SEM: A Versatile Nanoscale Laboratory Tool for Advanced Material Science

FIB-SEM: A Versatile Nanoscale Laboratory Tool for Advanced Material Science

FIB-SEM is a versatile laboratory tool that provides a new level of 3D analysis and productivity. Other techniques can be added to the FIB-SEM system to provide truly multi-modal characterization, including EDS, EBSD analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and ToF-SIMS. These extensions are especially valuable for busy, multi-disciplinary laboratories requiring a wide range of analytical capabilities to support their researchers’ needs.

Learn more in the article just published in Lab Manager magazine by Dean Miller, PhD, Senior Scientist at TESCAN, “FIB-SEM: A Versatile Nanoscale Laboratory Tool for Advanced Material Science,”: https://www.labmanager.com/insights/fib-sem-a-versatile-nanoscale-laboratory-tool-for-advanced-material-science-26595 
